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How To Clean Bowling Shoes Slide Strip? Complete Guide 2024

Introduction: Clean Bowling Shoe

Keeping your bowling shoes clean is important for a few reasons. First of all, it will help them last longer. Second, they will perform better if they’re clean.

Third, it’s nicer to have clean bowling shoes instead of something that looks like it needs a good scrubbing! In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to cleaning the slide strip on your bowling shoes.

How To Clean Bowling Shoes Slide Strip?

Keep in mind that these instructions may vary depending on your shoe type. Always consult your manufacturer’s instructions if you are unsure how to clean your shoes properly. Let’s get started!

Bowling shoe slides are important to have a good grip while bowling. If your shoes slides are not clean, it can cause you to lose your grip and fall. Here is how you can clean your bowling shoes slide strip:

Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Your Shoes:-

 If there is any stubborn dirt or grime build-up on the slide strip, you can try using a mild cleaning solution and a soft cloth to scrub it away gently.

Once you have removed all the dirt and grime from the surface of the slide strip, you can move on to polishing it. This will help protect the surface of the slide strip and keep it looking new.

To polish the slide strip, you can use a soft cloth and a small amount of shoe polish. Gently rub the shoe polish into the surface of the slide strip until it is evenly coated.

 Allow the shoe polish to dry for a few minutes before buffing it off with a soft cloth.

Once you have polished the slide strip, you can apply a small amount of lubricant to it. This will help keep the surface of the strip slick and reduce friction.

 Use a soft cloth to apply the lubricant to the surface of the slide strip. Make sure that you evenly distribute the lubricant over the entire surface of the strip.

Allow the lubricant to dry for a few minutes before using your bowling shoes.

Remove the Slide Strip From Shoes:

 Start by removing the laces from your bowling shoes.

Once the laces are removed, you can loosen the slide strip from the shoe.

Gently pull on the slide strip until it comes loose from the shoe.

 If the slide strip is stubborn and does not want to come loose, you can try using a small flathead screwdriver to help pry it open.

Once the slide strip is removed from the shoe, you can set it aside and move on to cleaning the rest of the shoe.

Clean With a Soft Brush and Soapy Water:

Fill a small bowl with warm water and add a drop or two of mild dish soap.

 Dip a soft-bristled brush into the soapy water and begin scrubbing the surface of the slide strip.

Continue scrubbing until all the dirt and grime have been removed from the surface of the strip.

Once you have finished scrubbing, rinse the strip off with clean water.

 Allow the strip to air dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Rinse and Dry Thoroughly:

Once you have finished scrubbing the slide strip, rinse it off with clean water.

 Use a clean cloth to dry the strip off completely.

Make sure that there is no moisture left on the surface of the strip before moving on to the next step.

Polish with Shoe Polish:

Apply a small amount of shoe polish to a soft cloth.

Gently rub the shoe polish into the surface of the slide strip until it is evenly coated.

 Allow the shoe polish to dry for a few minutes before buffing it off with a clean cloth.

Once you have buffed the shoe polish off, you can apply a small amount of lubricant to the surface of the strip.

Use a clean cloth to evenly distribute the lubricant over the entire surface of the strip.

 Allow the lubricant to dry for a few minutes before using your bowling shoes.

Replace the Slide Strip:

 Start by threading the laces through the holes on the slide strip.

 Once the laces are in place, you can attach the strip to the shoe.

 Gently press the strip into place on the shoe.

 If the strip is not in place, you can try using a small amount of adhesive to help keep it in place.

 Once the strip is in place, you can re-lace your shoes and tie them tight.

 Your shoes are now ready to use!

Enjoy Your Clean Bowling Shoes:

Your bowling shoes are now clean and ready to use!

 Enjoy your game and have fun!

Get Rid of That Nasty Bowling Shoe Smell in 3 Minutes:

Please take off your bowling shoes and set them upside down on a towel.

 Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda into each shoe.

 Let the shoes sit for 3 minutes, then shake out the baking soda.

 Your shoes should now be odour-free!

 If you have any persistent odours, you can repeat this process.

Top 5 Tips on Keeping Your Slide Strips in Great Condition

Keeping your bowling shoes’ slide strips in good condition is important to have the best possible grip and skating ability while bowling.

Here are the top 5 tips on how to clean and maintain your slide strips:

  • Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the strip.
  • Use a mild soap and water solution to clean the strip if it is very dirty.
  • Be sure to dry the strip entirely after cleaning it.
  • Apply a small amount of Slide-A-Lube or a similar product to the strip to help keep it lubricated.
  • Store the bowling shoes in a cool, dry place when not in use.

Following these tips will help you keep your slide strips clean and in good condition to enjoy a better game of bowling.

Easy And Effective Way To Clean Bowling Shoes Slide Strip

If you are looking for an easy and effective way to clean your bowling shoes’ slide strip, this article is for you. Bowling shoes are made of leather and have a slippery surface that can be easily damaged by dirt and debris.

The slide strip is located at the bottom of the shoes and helps to provide traction when you are bowling.

Over time, the slide strip can become clogged with dirt and debris, which can cause your shoes to slip and slide when you are bowling.

There are a few different ways to clean your bowling shoes’ slide strip. 

One way is to gently use a soft cloth or brush to scrub the strip’s surface. 

Another way is to use a mild soap and water solution to help break down the dirt and debris. 

You can also purchase a commercial cleaner specifically designed for cleaning bowling shoes.

Once you have cleaned the surface of the strip, you will need to dry it off completely. You can either let it air dry or use a soft cloth to pat it dry. 

Once the strip is arid, you can apply a thin layer of bowling shoe polish. This will help protect the surface of the strip and keep it looking new.

If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to keep your bowling shoes’ slide strip clean and in good condition for many years to come.

Quick and Easy Instructions on How to Clean a Bowling Shoe with Abrasive Strips

If you have ever been bowling, you know that one of the most critical pieces of equipment is your shoes. They help you slide across the floor to deliver the perfect bowl, but they also protect your feet from the harsh surface of the lane.

Over time, however, your shoes can become dirty and scuffed, affecting your game. That’s why it’s essential to clean your shoes regularly, and in this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

 First, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. You’ll need a soft cloth or brush, water, and mild soap. You will also need an abrasive strip for your bowling shoe. You can find these at most sporting goods stores or online.

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to get started. Begin by wetting the cloth or brushing with some water.

Then, add a small amount of soap to the material and rub it into the shoes. Be sure to focus on the areas where the abrasive strip is located.

Next, take the abrasive strip and rub it over the shoes. This will help remove any dirt or debris stuck on the surface of the shoes. Be sure to rub the ribbon in a circular motion to avoid damaging the shoes.

Once you have finished rubbing the abrasive strip on the shoes, rinse them off with some water. Then, dry the boots with a soft cloth or towel.

Now that you know how to clean bowling shoes with an abrasive strip, you can keep your shoes in top condition and enjoy a great bowling game.

Final Thoughts:

That’s it! By following these simple steps, you can easily clean your bowling shoes and keep them in good condition. Be sure to clean the shoes regularly to avoid any damage to the surface of the shoes.

Also, be sure to apply a thin layer of bowling shoe polish after cleaning to help protect the shoes and keep them looking new. Thanks for reading!


Here are a few frequently asked questions about how to clean bowling shoes slide strip.

How often should I clean my bowling shoes?

You should clean your shoes regularly, about once a week. This will help keep the shoes’ surface in good condition and prevent any damage.

Can I use a commercial cleaner on my bowling shoes?

Yes, you can use a commercial cleaner on your bowling shoes. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner to avoid damaging the shoes.

Do I need to apply bowling shoe polish after cleaning my shoes?

You don’t necessarily need to apply polish after every cleaning, but it can help protect the shoes’ surface and keep them looking new. Apply a thin layer of polish after every few cleanings.

Can I use an abrasive strip on any shoes?

No, you should only use an abrasive strip on bowling shoes. Using an abrasive strip on other types of shoes can damage the surface of the shoes.

Where can I buy an abrasive strip for my bowling shoes?

You can find an abrasive strip for your bowling shoes at most sporting goods stores or online.

I don’t have an abrasive strip. Can I still clean my shoes?

Yes, you can still clean your shoes without an abrasive strip. Just be sure to focus on where the strip would generally be located. Rub the cloth or brush in a circular motion to loosen any dirt or debris.

My shoes are still dirty after using the abrasive strip. What should I do?

If your shoes are still dirty after using the abrasive strip, you can try repeating the process. You may also need to use a commercial cleaner or shoe polish to clean the shoes.